Fund Holder: Department of Information Service of the Educational Process


Fund Volume: about 259,972 items of printed publications: books, brochures, continuing publications, magazines, newspapers, atlases, technical normative legal acts.

Coverage period: 1937 to present

Fund Content: the subsidiary fund of the information service department of the educational process contains educational, scientific, popular science, reference publications on natural, mathematical, technical, agricultural, medical, socio-political and social and humanitarian sciences.


Fund Structure:

  • the fund of loan department of educational literature with closed access;
  • the fund of the student reading room with open access;
  • the fund of the hall of information resources of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics with closed access;
  • the fund of the information resources hall of the Institute of Additional Education with closed access;
  • the fund of the Library of China of RCIS with open access.


Where can I get acquainted with the publications of the fund:

  • the Loan Department of Educational Literature (4 Nezavisimosti Ave., room 313);
  • in the Student Reading Room (4 Nezavisimosti Ave., 4, room 313);
  • in the Hall of Information Resources of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics (16 Leningradskaya Str., room 122);
  • in the Hall of information Resources of the Institute of Additional Education (25 Akademicheskaya str., room 200)
  • the Library of China of RCIS (11 Revolutsionnaya str., room 206)

Who can get acquainted with the publications of the fund: any reader of the BSU Fundamental Library 

but the priority in providing textbooks from the loan fund of educational literature is given to students of the Historical, Mechanical-Mathematical, Physical Faculties, the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, from the fund of the Hall of Information Resources of the Institute of Additional Education – to students of the Institute of Additional Education.

In which catalogues the editions of the fund are reflected: in the Electronic Catalogue in the databases "Books", "Periodicals", full-text documents - in the Electronic Library of BSU.