The Fund of the Fundamental Library contains about 2 million volumes of domestic and foreign documents in many languages of the world in the leading branches of science and technology.
The BSU FL Fund has the following structure:
- Main Fund - the fund of the Library Fund Management Department, which receives the first copy of each document, regardless of the source of receipt and the fund of rare and valuable publications;
- Subsidiary Fund - the fund of the following fund holders of the BSU FL:
- Department of Information Service of the Educational Process;
- Department of Information Services for Scientific Research;
- Service Department of the Faculty of Law;
- Service Department of the Faculty of Chemistry;
- Service Department of Faculties of Philology and Economics;
- Service Department of the Faculties of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies, Biology and Social and Cultural Communications;
- Service Department of the Faculty of International Relations;
- Service Department for Faculties of Journalism and Philosophy and Social Sciences;
- Department of Humanitarian and Educational Work and Popularization of Unique Books;
- Scientific and Methodical Department;
- Information Resources Acquisition Department;
- Department of Information Resources Cataloguing and Support of the Reference and Search Service;
- Directorate;
- Libraries of Offices and Departments of BSU;
- Depositary Funds of United Nations and International Monetary Fund - part of the Fund that includes publications of the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund;
- Depository Fund of Signal Copies of Deposited Documents accepted for deposit at BSU;
- Fund of Technical Regulatory Legal Acts;
- Electronic Library of BSU;
- Exchange and Reserve Fund.