The consolidated work plan of libraries reflects the main directions of library and information activities in the current year, helps to increase the level of interaction between libraries, helps to avoid duplication when creating local regulatory and technological documentation.

    The consolidated report on the scientific, methodological and research work of libraries presents a list of regulatory and regulatory documents developed in libraries in the past year and lists the most significant activities in various areas of library and information activities.

   The Fundamental Library of the BSU as the Coordinating and Methodical Center of the Network of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Belarus annually monitors the activities of libraries on 122 indicators (for comparison: in 1975 - 48 indicators, 31 (64.5%) of which are current and currently ). The summary table "Basic indicators of the activity of libraries of institutions of higher education in the Republic of Belarus" is used in the preparation of an analytical review of the activities of libraries, for writing articles and reports, and determining the strategy for the further development of libraries. Tables "Basic indicators of the activity of libraries of institutions of higher education in the Republic of Belarus" are available since 2005.

    The Minsk Methodical Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the MA) promotes the improvement of library and bibliographic, scientific, information and cultural and educational work in the libraries of institutions of higher education in Minsk. The MA includes libraries of 14 universities, 7 academies, 5 institutes. Coordination and scientific and methodological guidance is provided by the Methodical Center - the Scientific library of the Belarusian National Technical University.

    The Brest Methodical Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the MA) promotes the improvement of library and bibliographic, scientific information and cultural and educational work in libraries of higher education institutions in Brest and Brest region. The MA includes libraries of four universities. Coordination and scientific and methodological guidance is provided by the regional methodical center – the Library of the Baranovich State University.

    The Vitebsk Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the MA) promotes the improvement of library and bibliographic, scientific information and cultural and educational work in the libraries of institutions of higher education in Vitebsk and Vitebsk region. The MA includes libraries of 4 universities and 1 academy. Coordination and scientific and methodological guidance is provided by the regional methodological center - the Scientific Library of the Vitebsk State University named after Vitaliy. P.M. Masherov».

    The Gomel Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the MA) promotes the improvement of library and bibliographic, scientific, information and cultural and educational work in the libraries of institutions of higher education in Gomel and the Gomel Region. The MA includes libraries of 6 universities. Coordination and scientific and methodological guidance is provided by the regional methodical center - the Library of the Gomel State University named after F. Skoryna.

    The Grodno Methodical Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the MA) promotes the improvement of library and bibliographic, scientific information and cultural and educational work in the libraries of institutions of higher education in Grodno. The MA includes libraries of 3 universities. Coordination and scientific and methodological guidance is provided by the regional methodical center - the Scientific Library of the Grodno State University named after J. Kupala.

    The Mogilev Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the MA) promotes the improvement of library and bibliographic, scientific, information and cultural and educational work in the libraries of higher education institutions in Mogilev and Mogilev Region. The MA includes libraries of 3 universities, 1 academy, 1 institute. Coordination and scientific and methodological guidance is provided by the regional methodical center - the Library of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University".