Who can be a reader?

Eligible for a free library and information services is given to the teaching staff, doctoral candidates, postgraduate, graduate and undergraduates students of all forms of education, cadets of the military faculty, the students of the Institute of Additional Education, the students of the Republican Institute of Chinese Studies named after Confucius, scientific and other staff of the University.

Library and information service of organizations (enterprises, institutions) included in the structure of the BSU complex is carried out in reading rooms, media libraries, loan departments in accordance with the order of the rector of BSU "On service of organizations (enterprises, institutions) of the BSU complex by BSU Fundamental Library".

Library and information services for third-party users are carried out on a fee basis in accordance with the Regulation on paid services of BSU FL.

Teaching staff from third-party organizations which works in BSU on a part-time basis are served free of charge only in the halls, media library, coworking of the BSU FL upon presentation of a certificate from the HR department.