UDC 330.101.542(075.8)

Tryasunova, O. E. Microeconomic analysis and policy [Электронный ресурс] : electronic educational-methodical complex for specialties 7-06-0311-01 «Economics», 7-06-0411-02 «Finance, Taxation and Credits» / O.E. Tryasunova, A.A.Kogan ; BSU, Faculty of Economics, Department of International Political Economy. –  Электрон. текстовые  дан. – Minsk : BSU, 2024. – 141 p. : pic. – Refs.: p. 140–141. – Режим доступа: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/310814. – Загл. с экрана. – № 006502042024. Деп. в БГУ 02.04.2024.


Electronic educational-methodical complex (EEMC) on the academic discipline “Microeconomic analysis and policy” is designed for students of advanced higher education for specialties 7-06-0311-01 «Economics», 7-06-0411-02 «Finance, Taxation and Credits». The complex contains theoretical foundations and practical tasks on the main topics of the course, as well as additional materials.