Training "English for Specific Purposes (Library Vocabulary)"

Training “English for Specific Purposes (Library Vocabulary)” was held at BSU Fundamental Library on 16-19 May, 2016 in frame of the project “Library Network Support Service (LNSS): modernizing libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through library staff development and reforming library services”.

Instructors: Jerald Cavanagh, Padraig Kirby (Ireland), Angela Repanovici (Romania), Manolis Koukourakis (Greece).

The librarian staff from Belarusian State University, Academy of Management, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Belarusian State Economical University, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Linguistic University took part in this training.

All participants received the certificates according to the training results.


Materials of the training: